Early Childhood

Early Learning Opportunity Centers

 The Doniphan County Education Cooperative provides opportunity for a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment for children ages 3 years through 5 years of age at one of our learning opportunity centers. For information or to find out if your child might qualify to attend one of these centers, please call: 


Doniphan County Education Cooperative #616

P.O. Box 399  ~  135 South Main  ~  Troy, Kansas 66087

Who:  Any Doniphan County child, ages 3-5, who has delays and qualifies in one of the following areas:

1) Speech / Language
2) Learning delay
3) Motor concerns
4) Personal / Social
5) Adaptive   
 When:  The program is offered Monday thru Thursday with A.M. and P.M. at both sites Transportation is provided. 

 Where: Troy Elementary and Riverside (Wathena Campus)

What:  A wide variety of activities designed to help children reach their full potential.

Speechcorrect sounds pulling words together to express thought, listening and following directions.
Learning – colors, numbers, alphabet, days of week, months of year.
Motor – coloring cutting, running skipping, jumping.
Personal / Social – group activities, making friends, sharing, turn taking.
Adaptive – using restroom, pouring activities, eating with the group, buttons, zippers and shoe lacing.

Teacher Directed ~ Therapist Directed ~ Learning Opportunities

To Whom:  Children who have been to a Child Find Clinic, who may have a delay in their development… which is determined by a developmental assessment.

 With Whom:  Should your child qualify, he/she would have the opportunity to learn and interact with other children his/her age.

Through Whom:   The Doniphan County Education Cooperative sponsoring Doniphan County’s three school districts.

Services provided by trained Early Childhood Special Educators and trained support staff:

ECSE Teachers

School Social Worker

Speech Clinicians

Physical Therapist

Occupational Therapist

Because the sea is so wide and our boat is so small  Working together to make your child’s entrance into school a positive experience for all. 


Please Call:  Doniphan County Education Cooperative #616


 P.O. Box 399  ~  135 South Main  ~  Troy, Kansas 66087